Human Design Foundations

A course to understand the foundations of Human Design to accept yourself and others and live life with more peace and grace

Energy Types


Profile Lines


Strategy & Authority


Centres & Superpowers


Perfect Environments


Energy Types 〰️ Profile Lines 〰️ Strategy & Authority 〰️ Centres & Superpowers 〰️ Perfect Environments 〰️

Human Design Foundation Course

Discover all you need to know to not only get started on your journey with human design, but to properly implement what you learn into your life. Ideal for everyone but especially those feeling confused by human design and what it can offer, those stuck on their deconditioning journey, or people working with others for example Therapists and Healers to better understand other people and find compassion for our differences.

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Meet your teacher

Meet your teacher ✳

Hi, I’m Becky,

…and I love listening to people’s stories and helping them own who they are.

My expertise lies in the ability to digest complex philosophy and astrology and making it not only simple and understandable for you to implement, but exciting and inspiring as you embark on the next chapter of your life.

I am here to empower you, to educate you and to drive you towards the life you are here to lead. I use a blend of traditional western and vedic astrology, human design, the gene keys and other philosophical bodies of work such as the iching (the chinese book of changes) to transform your lifestyle and your health. Because our life and our story has an impact that goes far beyond what we can see and often is the underlying root cause of our beliefs and even health problems that just won’t go away. I’m helping people remember who they are and what they’ve been through, and how those stories and imprints are now speaking to you through everything from health conditions to lifestyle shakeups.

My accredited qualifications lie in yoga philosophy, Human Design, Astrology and meditation, and I’ve been helping to transform lives using these bodies of work since January 2020, when the new world started to emerge.


What you’ll learn

  • We know everyone’s different. But do we? Do we really? When our whole society is built to favour just a few people, where does that leave the rest of us? Through life we are slowly encouraged to blend in and ‘get on wit h it,’ but that doesn’t help us utilise our unique gifts and talents... through this whole course, you’ll learn exactly who you are and why your energy is so needed in society right now.

  • By understanding yourself more deeply, you naturally form a deeper understanding of just how different other people are from you. And learn to enjoy that fact, embrace it and find deep healing in compassion for that, knowing your friends and family are probably just as misunderstood too…

  • Did you know? We all have completely different healing environments where we can go to ‘find ourselves.’ From the markets to the valleys, the caves to the mountains and the kitchens to the shores… we all have a healing environment where we will thrive. Get to know yours in detail to be able to apply it to everyday life.

Course FAQ

  • The course is a one off payment of £44 and you will gain lifetime access to the content of this couse plus any bonus content which is added.

    Sign up here.

  • Nope! Just download your chart for free here and that’ all you need. Everything else is explained within this foundation course.

  • Simply click here and fill in your details. You will then get access to the video workshops. Make sure you save your details to be able to access the videos and keep coming back to them.

  • I have lots of free workbooks to keep you going before, during and after this course. You can find all that content here.

  • There is a one off payent of £44 due for this course.

    You will gain lifetime access to these videos upon signup.

    There are no refunds on the price paid, but I know you won’t need one anyway because this content is incredibly detailed and gives you a deep understanding of human design without requiring you to jump through numerous hoops <3